Dead Fred Genealogy Photo Archive Thousands of Genealogy Photos
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Search Results

Here is a list of all individuals for your selected photographer - click on the name to see photo:
(If no results are showing, the records for that surname have not yet been approved)

Last Name

First Name



8128 - ShuppEdHarrisburg PA
8129 - ShuppMrs EdHarrisburg PA
20571 - ShawJ
23037 - StephensElmerChico CA
33900 - HorineLillieOgden IA
50280 - Wood AR
60928 - Berryman MO
80951 -
90586 -
91134 -
91742 - ChaseBelleRichmond VA
105455 - CoffinMrs. Robert
105510 - Rosa
105599 -
105600 -
111569 - MeltonJohnPlymouth IN
112057 -
123006 - Wilkes-barre PA
151818 - PerkinsAlicePortsmouth MA
155841 - DouglassIsadoreWilkes-barre PA
158370 - ParkinsonWalterProvidence RI
158775 -
158777 -
158778 -
158779 -
158787 -
158800 -
158801 -
158805 -
159524 - CassAbbieTaylor NY
163605 - CurtisJennie MA
163632 - AndrewsElizabethBoston MA

Free genealogy searches for those looking into their family history.


© 2001- 2024 Genealogy Photo Archive
P.O. Box 6937 | Springdale, AR | 72766-6937

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