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Photo #67757

Last Name: Hetzner

First Name: Irma

Middle Name: Martha

Subject's City:

Subject's State: MI

Subject's County:

Subject's Country: United States

Date: 1901-1920


Photographer's City:

Photographer's State:

Nee: Roedel

Type**: GRP

Comments: Irma Martha Hetzner (Nee: Roedel) | MI United States | 1901-1920 | Comments: Un-mailed postcard manufactured by AZO with four triangles in the corners of the stamp box date this postcard to being made between 1904 – 1918. However, the back of the postcard is divided into two sections, one for correspondence and the other for the name and address of the person the card is being sent to which dates the card as being made no earlier than March of 1907. Hand written on the back in the correspondence section which is behind the oldest person in the picture holding the baby are the names Martha and Leona Mossner. On the address section are the names Irma and Arnold Roedel. I believe the Martha Mossner shown in the picture was born on December 30, 1904 to Johann Michael and Mary (Schultz) Mossner. I believe Leona Mossner is the oldest child of Ernest George and Yetta Barbara (Bauer) Mossner who was born on December 23, 1915. I believe Irma and Arnold Roedel are the two oldest children of Bernhard John and Pauline Louise Karoline (Mossner) Roedel. Irma was born December 2, 1913 and Arnold was born November 2, 1915. Martha would have been an aunt to the other children in the photograph. Based on the birth dates of the people identified, this photograph was probably taken during the summer of 1916.

Digital Image Only? NO

Everyone Listed In This Photo:

Martha Hecht
Irma Hetzner
Leona Mossner
Arnold Roedel

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