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Photo #43232

Last Name: Smallwood-Weddell

First Name: Maxine

Middle Name: -

Subject's City: Golden Beach

Subject's State: Queensland

Subject's County:

Subject's Country: Australia

Date: 1901-1920


Photographer's City:

Photographer's State:

Nee: Weddell

Type**: PRT

Comments: Maxine - Smallwood-Weddell (Nee: Weddell) | Golden Beach Queensland Australia | 1901-1920 | Comments: Newton WEDDELL (aged 63), Hannah WEDDELL (left - aged 34) and Mary WEDDELL (aged 23). The photograph was taken at the end of 1913, during the period of mourning for Newton’s wife, and the girls’ mother, Jane Anne (nee LOWREY), and mailed as a Christmas greeting to their son and brother, William Lowrey WEDDELL, who was serving in the armed forces in Australia. Newton’s flower may be fabric – it seems to have a black button in the middle which would make it a mourning accessory. His fingers and fingernails are dirty, displaying his bricklayer’s occupation. He also wears a gold wedding band on his little finger which might be the only finger his wife’s ring fit. Hannah and Mary are wearing not actually dresses - but two garments – the blouse top is called a waist and was worn with a matching skirt. The skirt is quite fashionable but the blouse several years out of date in 1913. The girls could have been shop workers or reception staff or schoolmistresses and had to wear the same gown. For example they could have been the main housekeepers in a large manor house or hotel. Their mourning dress styles would have been limited even though mourning was big business. It is interesting in that the girls have personalized the dresses – one has removed or turned in the contrast shiny fabric waistband belt. Another sister (not in the photograph) was a dressmaker, so the mourning ensembles were most probably made by her. The family was living at 98 Janet Street, Byker, Newcastle on Tyne.

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Maxine Smallwood-Weddell

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