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Photo #114444

Last Name: ASTON


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Subject's City: BOSTON

Subject's State: MA

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Date: 1901-1920


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Type**: GRP

Comments: ASTON VALVE/GARLOCK PACKING CO ASTON (Nee: ) | BOSTON MA | 1901-1920 | Comments: EMPLOYEE GROUP PHOTO TAKEN AT ASHTON VALVE CO 7 GARLOCK PACKING CO ===================================================== In 1872 Henry G. Ashton patented a new steam-boiler safety valve to help prevent boiler explosions. In that year, or perhaps in 1871, he established Ashton's Lock Safety Valve Co., with C. J. Bishop, operating out of premises on Pearl Street in Boston. The 1872 Boston Fire burned them out. They relocated briefly to 9 Rowe's Wharf, and in 1874 they relocated to 262 Purchase Street. By this time the business was doing well and Ashton continued to improve his safety valve. In 1878 or '79 they relocated briefly to 83 Federal Street but another fire forced them to move again in 1879, this time to 271 Franklin Street. Sometime during 1878 or '79 they reorganized as the Ashton Valve Co. In 1892 they acquired the Boston Steam Gauge Co., and steam gauges would become at least as important a product line as their safety valves. They were also making other accessories for steam boilers and engines, such as a feed-water heaters and water relief valves, and they had introduced a line of steam heating valves. Henry G. Ashton died in 1895; his son Albert, a recent engineering graduate from MIT, replaced his father as vice-president and continued running the day-to-day operations for more than a quarter century. By 1922, when Albert died, the company was at its peak, with about 250 employees and robust sales. Harry Ashton, who was sales manager, took over some of his brother's responsibilities but as steam power became increasing obsolescent the company never expanded into other markets. In 1948 the Ashton Valve Co. merged with the Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Co. =========================== This photo plus many others were donated to by a anonymous donor . To view all the photos from this donation that have been posted so far click "view other records" located below . Questions ? contact FWS

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