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Photo #102249

Last Name: MOYER

First Name: JOHN

Middle Name: GOULD

Subject's City: CHICAGO

Subject's State: IL

Subject's County: COOK

Subject's Country: USA

Date: 1851-1900

Photographer: GEHRIG

Photographer's City: CHICAGO

Photographer's State: IL


Type**: CC

Comments: JOHN GOULD MOYER (Nee: ) | CHICAGO IL USA | 1851-1900 | Comments: PARENTS EVA GOULD MOYER ( ON ARCHIVE) AND WILLIAM LORENZO MOYER // WIFE FRANCIS. /// ---------------------------------------------- OBIT. Rear Admiral John Gould Moyer (retired), 82, died January 21st at his residence, 4311 Kahala Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. Born July 12, 1893, in Chicago, he was appointed in 1909 to the Naval Academy at Annapolis from Delphi where he and his mother, Mrs. Eva Gould Moyer, were living at the home of his grandfather Judge John Gould. The appointment was made by Charles B. Landis, representative to Congress from the then 9th District, who lived on his Peaceful Valley Farm near Delphi. Moyer was graduated in 1914 from Annapolis. Admiral Moyer served in both World Wars and was commander of the Transport Squadron 18 which carried the first Marine Division to Okinawa during World War II. He also served as Governor of American Samoa from 1942 to 1944 with appointment by President Franklin Roosevelt. He retired from active service in 1949 with the rank of Rear Admiral. Since 1955 he has been a resident of Hoiolulu. Burial was January 26 at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu with graveside services. Mr. Moyer of California and Mrs. Bacon of Michigan attended services for their father in Honolulu. Carroll County Comet, Wed., Feb. 11, 1976 ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- This photo with associated information as well as many other photos were bequeathed to DeadFreds Archive by Marge Rice upon her passing . Marge spent many years collecting these photos from yard sales ,flea markets, antique shops and photo donations. She spent many years researching meticulously each photo so she could find the photos family.Her selfless efforts resulted in her reuniting over 2,000 Ancestors photos to family. This collection is Marges Legacy . It is an incredible work of genealogy and Love by a wonderful caring lady. To see all of Marges photos click below. if this is a relative or if you have a question Contact or visit DeadFred on Facebook

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