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Photo #13651

Last Name: Chupp

First Name: Katie

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Rensselner

Subject's State: IN

Subject's County:

Subject's Country: United States

Date: 1851-1900

Photographer: Parker

Photographer's City: Rensselaer

Photographer's State: IN


Type**: CC

Comments: Katie Chupp (Nee: ) | Rensselner IN United States | 1851-1900 | Comments: Subject: photo#13651 Katie Chupp photo #13651 is a picture of my grandmother's sister. Katie Chupp died not to long after this picture was taken. I have other pictures of her, but I don't believe anyone has ever seen this one. ? She lived in Rensselaer all her life, so I'm sure that is where the picture is from. Thanks, Dianne On ReverseMaruu Chupp from Katie(Matie?) Chupp.. The photographer is from Rensselner ,, I put this in the town section in both slots ,, however Im not certain if this is where it is actually from ...Orginal is held by The Archive">Dianne Ramirez .. Please contact Sharon at .. Found! 5/28/2006 Sharon Writes **Katie Chupp is a sister to Simon N. "Sim" Chupp, my husband's great-grandfather, who also lived and died in Jasper Co., IN. Simon is buried in a little cemetery that few people know exist-in the middle of a field in Newton Co., IN, an adjacent county where all the the local Chupp family members were buried. Katie and Simon's father was Nathan, hence the N. in his name. This is a common practice in Amish families, which while Katie's picture does not appear Amish, she was raised Amish. For interest, her brother Isaac was an Amish preacher in the Jasper and Newton Amish settlement. He moved to Gibson, MS where he became their first preacher in what became a new settlement. The Gibson settlement was formed with the arrival of Amish families on Jan. 1, 1896. Isaac lived in Newton County, sold his farm and lived with his parents until they made the move. His wife had just given birth and Nathan was ill, so they delayed their move until after Nathan's death on the 16th. I would really love to know how this person is related. I think it is through Mattie, who married a David Elder.** Found! Feb 27th 2003 Dianne Ramirez ! From: Dianne Ramirez Subject: photo#13651 Katie Chupp photo #13651 is a picture of my grandmother's sister. Katie Chupp died not to long after this picture was taken. I have other pictures of her, but I don't believe anyone has ever seen this one. ? She lived in Rensselaer all her life, so I'm sure that is where the picture is from. Thanks, Dianne On ReverseMaruu Chupp from Katie(Matie?) Chupp.. The photographer is from Rensselner ,, I put this in the town section in both slots ,, however Im not certain if this is where it is actually from ...Orginal is held by The Archive

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Katie Chupp

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