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Photo #70021

Last Name: Hoover

First Name: Harry

Middle Name: Ralph

Subject's City:

Subject's State: FL

Subject's County: Broward

Subject's Country: USA



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Type**: SNAP

Comments: Harry Ralph Hoover (Nee: ) | FL USA | | Comments: Tombstone/Grave marker for Harry Ralph HOOVER and his wife, Bertha UNKNOWN Hoover. Harry R. HOVER was born on 26 December 1894 to Charles Arthur and Minnie Mae ACKLEY Hoover, in Watkins Glen, Schuyler County, New York. He was perhaps the first of six children, although we know only the names and birth years of four. In addition to Harry, there was Bertha (b. 1899) - and so as not to confuse things, Harry also married a Bertha; then there was Leon R. (b. about 1906); and Dorothy (b. circa 1908). The 1910 Federal Census shows Harry at age 15, living with his family in Ithaca, Tompkins County, NY. Seven years later, he married Bertha M. (maiden name unknown) and in 1930 the census taker found Harry and Bertha living on Ithaca’s South Albany Street, a block away from his parents. By this time Harry and Bertha had two children: a son Robert (b. about 1922) and a daughter Jane (b. circa 1925). To date we have no knowledge of other children. The 1930 census listed Harry’s occupation as an inspector for a typewriter company. This probably was the Smith-Corona Company in nearby Groton, NY, as there was no typewriter company in Ithaca in the 1930s. At the same time, Bertha was employed as a saleswoman at a department store. Perhaps she was the lady my mother would chat with in J.C. Penny’s when we went shopping. The couple apparently retired to Broward County, Florida, where Bertha died in January 1975 and Harry followed her in death in February of 1979. They are buried and share a headstone in Broward County’s Lauderdale Memorial Park. Mystery: Search of an online inventory of Broward County Court documents reveals not only Harry R. Hoover, but a Harry E., a Harry F. and a Harry L. Could this be evidence of long-lost relatives, coincidence, or careless clerking? If you know anything about this family, I would love to hear from you.

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Bertha Hoover
Harry Hoover

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