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Photo #37283

Last Name: von Gahlen

First Name: Johann Ferdinand

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Barmen

Subject's State: Westfalen (Westphalia)

Subject's County: Bergisches Land

Subject's Country: Germany

Date: 1851-1900


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Type**: PRT

Comments: Johann Ferdinand von Gahlen (Nee: ) | Barmen Westfalen (Westphalia) Germany | 1851-1900 | Comments: Johann Ferdinand von Gahlen, Apotheker in Gemarke. Geboren am 15.September 1789 in Gemarke, gest. am 1 Jan. 1862. Seine Eltern waren Johann Caspar von Gahlen, ebenfalls Apotheker, und Marie Wilhelmina Kluge. Er war mindestens drei Mal verheiratet. Aus seiner Ehe mit Anna Christine Juliane Sophia Schwerdtmann (gest. 24 Mai 1822 in Barmen) stammen Ferdinand Gottlieb Friedrich von Gahlen, geb. 25 März 1816, Louise von Gahlen (geb. 1 Apr. 1818 in Barmen, gest. 5 Apr. 1905, (Fotos # 37281 und #37282), und Helena von Gahlen (geb. 14. März 1820). Am 21 Aug. 1822 heiratete er in Düsseldorf Henriette Caroline Ruhrberg, geb. 5 Aug. 1791 in Langenberg. Kinder aus dieser Ehe waren Friedrich Wilhelm von Gahlen, geb. 13 Jun. 1823 (möglicherweise identisch mit dem in den 80er Jahren d. 19. Jhd. in Mönchengladbach ansässigen Sanitätsrat Dr.Friedrich Wilhelm von Gahlen) und Emil von Gahlen, geboren 26.Oktober 1828 in Barmen, der 1840 in Gerresheim eine Drahtstiftfabrik gründete (Foto #73545). Johann Ferdinands dritte Ehefrau war Agnes Sidonie Ferdinande Meyer aus Neusalzwerk (geb. 13. März 1819). Die Familie was evangelisch-reformiert. Weitere Informationen über die Familie von Gahlen werden gesucht. Johann Ferdinand von Gahlen, apothecary in Gemarke. Born September 15, 1789 in Gemarke, died January 01, 1862. His parents were Johann Caspar von Gahlen, also an apothecary, and Marie Wilhelmina Kluge. He married at least three times. From his marriage with Anna Christine Juliane Sophia Schwerdtmann (who died May 24, 1822 in Barmen) the following children are known: Ferdinand Gottlieb Friedrich von Gahlen, born March 25, 1816, Louise von Gahlen (born April 01, 1818 in Barmen, died April 5, 1905, photos # 37281 und #37282), and Helena von Gahlen (born March 14, 1820). On August 21, 1822 Johann Ferdinand von Gahlen married Henriette Caroline Ruhrberg in Düsseldorf. Henriette was born on August 5, 1791 in Langenberg. Children from this marriage were Friedrich Wilhelm von Gahlen, born June 13, 1823 (possibly the same Friedrich Wilhelm von Gahlen who lived in Mönchengladbach in the eighties of the 19th century, his profession was ''Sanitätsrat''- which is a honorary title given to a distinguished doctor) and Emil von Gahlen, born October 26, 1828 in Barmen, who established a factory for small thin nails (''Drahtstife'') in Gerresheim in 1840 (photo #73545). Johann Ferdinand's third wife was Agnes Sidonie Ferdinande Meyer from Neusalzwerk (born March 23, 1819). The family was protestant (''reformed''). Looking for further information about the von Gahlen family.

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Johann Ferdinand von Gahlen

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