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Photo #29002

Last Name: Oaks

First Name: Viola

Middle Name: Mae

Subject's City: Pittsburg

Subject's State: ks

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Date: 1851-1900

Photographer: McFarland

Photographer's City: Pittsburg

Photographer's State: Ks


Type**: CC

Comments: Viola Mae Oaks (Nee: ) | Pittsburg ks | 1851-1900 | Comments: Found! 1/10/2005 #s 409,410,411 & 412 //Joseph writes *This is a photo of my grandmother (the oldest child). Her name was Viola Mae Oaks, born May 9, 1899 in Pittsburg Kansas. The other child is her sister, Mable Cecil Oaks, born March 2, 1901 in Pittsburg, KS and died Jan. 9, 1913. The man is Perry Oaks, father of the children, born Sept, 14, 1876 in Howard, KS. The woman is the mother of the children and wife of Perry, her name is Mary Myrtle Mant(a)onya, born Jan 6, 1876, probably in Pittsburg, KS. The name H.H. Talley written on back referes to my grandfather, Henry Harvey Talley (he went by H.H.) and he was the husband of Viola Mae Oaks, my grandmother.the name of the town was not tuscon, but Texon. It was an oil camp where my grandparents lived for more than 20 years and my grandfather (HH) worked until he retired. It is in Texas.// the town was not tuscon, but Texon. It was an oil camp where my grandparents lived for more than 20 years and my grandfather (HH) worked until he retired. It is Texas. Written on back *Papa & Mamma Mable sitting on chair arm Me *Viola* standing* also lightly in pencil H.H. Halley Texon Tex//Photos were found in a junk store and donated to DeadFred by Diane Lunow . To see all the donated photos type LUNOW in the *search comments*section on DeadFreds home page

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Viola Oaks

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