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Photo #16119

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Subject's Country: U.S.A.

Date: 1941-1960

Photographer: Linda Wicksten

Photographer's City: Sparks (Reno)

Photographer's State: Nevada



Comments: (Nee: ) | U.S.A. | 1941-1960 | Comments: To Whom It May Concern; I am trying to identify a Soldier in the Army in WWII. He just passed through the Army Base in India) in the 1940's, somewhere between 1942-45, in India. (his picture is attached) My late Father in law, Layton H. Wicksten was a Cpl. in the Army stationedin India at the base called The Depot or Bengal Air Depot in the CBI Theater, under the command of Col. Frank Hackett. (In or near Agra, India) Dad was an artist and did a lot of the art work for the newspapers The Tiger Rag and The Depot. (as well as painting Mascots on the pilots planes) He featured a drawing of different soldiers from the Base on the back of most papers (Tiger Rag) as well as civilian personnel. He also did a beautiful painting of Col. Frank Hackett, that the Base presented to him at a party, I can't recall if it was a birthday, retirement, transfer or what. One day Dad saw a soldier sitting at the airstrip waiting for his plane (he was not stationed there, he was on his way to where ever he was stationed) anddid a drawing of him but he never found out who he was. I have been trying,with no luck, to find out who this soldier is. Could you put his picture in your newsletter or publications with the caption Do you know this soldier? Perhaps he or his family, widow, children, or someone who knows him will see it and contact you. I know I'm asking a lot, but I think it's a worthwhile endeavor and I hope you will too. Especially with what is going on right now, it would be nice to give this soldier's family a small part of him back. I even gave a copy of the drawing to the Eisenhower Museum in KS, along with Dad's entire collection of pictures, drawings, newspapers and everything else he collected while he was in India, when he passed away a four years ago. They said it was the single largest WWII collection they had ever received. (The Naval Museum on Treasure Island, CA said the same thing when I donated all my late Mother in law's Navy possessions, including many telegrams and Naval stories, pictures etc. She was a WAVE stationed there in WWII)This soldier could still be alive, but if not I would like to give the drawing to his family, it is very very good, Dad was a phenomenal artist. I know someone would recognize him if I could just get his picture to the public. My local paper will not help me at all, I'm hoping that your publications will. If you have any suggestions of where else I could send this for help please let me know. I am attaching the drawing if you will help me by publishing this. The more people that see this the sooner I will find him or his family, I am hoping he is still alive.Thank you for your help,Linda WickstenSparks/Reno,'s LL13)

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