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Photo #90503

Last Name: sensu

First Name: lato

Middle Name:

Subject's City: Monticello

Subject's State: Arkansas

Subject's County: United States

Subject's Country: Drew

Date: 1961-1965


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Type**: B&W

Comments: lato sensu (Nee: ) | Monticello Arkansas Drew | 1961-1965 | Comments:,12009,15773,00.html Marcussen, Glennon RA 15872232, Specialist Four E4, United States Army, Company B, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry, 196th Light Infantry Brigade APO 96256 Awarded: Bronze Star Medal with ?V? Device Date action: 09 January 1968 Theater: Republic of Vietnam For heroism in connection with military operation against a hostile force. Specialist Four Marcussen distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 9 January 1968 in the Republic of Vietnam. On that date, while on a search and destroy mission, his platoon became pinned down by hostile automatic weapons and mortar fire. Specialist Marcussen quickly began to return rapid and effective small arms fire, until he ran out of ammunition. Disregarding his own safety, he braved intense enemy fire to reach the rear of this element and pick up more ammunition. Aware that part of his platoon was pinned down and in need of help, Specialist Marcussen again charged through the bullet-swept area. Upon reaching the rest of the element, he immediately commenced firing, and successfully located and destroyed a machinegun position. He then volunteered to remain in position and provide covering fire for the rest of the element, so they could withdraw to less exposed firing positions. Specialist Marcussen provided fast and accurate fire which enabled them to move back safely. He then tried to rejoin them under their protective fire. As he was maneuvering to the location of his comrades, he was mortally wounded. Specialist Four Marcussen?s courageous actions, unselfish concern for his fellow soldiers, and avid devotion to duty were in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service and reflected great credit upon himself, the Americal Division, and the United States Army. Authority: By direction of the President under the provisions of Executive Order 11046, 24 August 1962. Glennon Marcussen gave the ultimate and only earned the Bronze Star, while John Kerry was awarded the Silver Star for machine gunning an unarmed naked Vietnamese teenager.

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lato sensu

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